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new york - paris - beijing -amsterdam - madrid - tokyo - sayfield

Hi there, welcome to our website.

A brief intro: we are Pictures in Motion, an allround media production company led by Nynke Plantenga & Pim Cluistra. We are dedicated to create the videos, pictures and graphic animations that you're looking for. Tell us what you desire and we will make it happen! Oh yeah and by the way: in case you're wondering: we don't have offices in the cities above, but we did film in all of those great places and the last one, Sayfield, is actually called Zegveld in dutch. A very small stork town in the countryside of the Netherlands where our head (and only) office is based.   

The sky is... no limit

There are so many ways to create creative content that we like to believe that there is no limit to it at all. Not even a clear blue sky. So at pictures in motion we like to say: The sky is no limit!  Of course it's just a phrase, but it sounds really good, don't you think? In fact, we are very down to earth and that's also how we like to approach our clients & projects. We love to put some fun elements into our work and, if possible, into our creations.

Wcan help you with creating:

Corporate videos, webinars, presentations, branded content, event registrations, photography and all the other fun stuf that's related to the business, like script writing, translating and subtitling videos. We can also give you training is how to make a vlog or give you some media training in front of a camera.

Happy clients

We are lucky to work for some big corporate companies who have their Dutch, European or even their Global Office in the Netherlands. We create content for various departments within those companies, like Marketing, HR, Internal & External Communications, Social Media, Corporate Responsibility, Learning & Development & Event Teams. Our challenge is always to create content that surprises our clients and even ourselves. We're only happy if we can make our clients happy with our creations.

Hans Anders.png

Some of our videos

Some of our videos

Some of our videos
Video zoeken...
HKM onboard journey

HKM onboard journey

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Van weiland tot eb en vloed bak

Van weiland tot eb en vloed bak

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Staatsloterij Tonnetje Steken©PiM

Staatsloterij Tonnetje Steken©PiM

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Funda: wonen in een watertoren

Funda: wonen in een watertoren

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